- Sharyn Wolf // How to Stay Lovers for Life
Discover a Marriage Counselor's Tricks of the Trade
Every relationship has its ups and downs, the moments when someone says, "I'm so in love I can't imagine being single," and the moments when they wonder, "Who is this alien beside me?" But the good news is that the excitement and romance a couple knew at the beginning can be restored and sustained. Based on the same model of guerrilla survival skills that made her book Guerrilla Dating Tactics such a success, Sharyn Wolf takes the same playful, humorous approach to solving relationship problems--from the lingering dirty socks in the bedroom to the bigger issues like children, housework, sex, and communication. In this step-by-step guide to diagnosing and treating your relationship problems, hundreds of simple strategies are provided to get your relationship back on track. Some sample Mating Tactics: After a fight, make it up to your partner by doing a household task she/he hates to do
Chart your positive and negative times together--and see the patterns that develop
Draw a family tree with your partner so you can recognize the impact of your past on your present
Replete with colorful, real-life stories of couples who made it through the trenches together, How to Stay Lovers for Life offers hundreds of quick, easy, and fun things couples can do to keep their love alive and their relationship flourishing.