One of the summer's most eagerly anticipated works of fiction. In "Between the Assassinations", Adiga brings to life a chorus of distinctive Indian voices...His new book sizzles with the same humor, anger, and humanity that characterized "The White Tiger". On India's south-western coast lies Kittur - a nondescript every town. Adiga acts as our guide to the town, mapping overlapping lives of Kittur's residents, an illiterate Muslim boy working at the train station finds himself tempted by an Islamic terrorist; a bookseller is arrested for selling a copy of "The Satanic Verses"; a rich, half-caste student decides to explode a bomb in school. What emerges is the moral biography of extraordinary transformation, over the seven-year period between the assassinations of Prime Minister Gandhi and her son Rajiv. Keenly observed and finely detailed, "Between the Assassinations" is a triumph of voice and imagination.
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