The fully revised second edition of Cultural Geography introduces culture from a geographical perspective, focusing on how cultures work in practice and looking at cultures embedded in real-life situations, as locatable, specific phenomena. Definitions of 'culture' are diverse and complex; Mike Crang examines a wealth of different cases and approaches to explore the experience of place, the relationships of local and global, culture and economy and the dilemmas of knowledge. Considering the role of states, empires and nations, corporations and the city, shops and goods, literature, music and film, Crang examines the cultures of consumption and production, how places develop meaning for people, and the struggles over defining who belongs in a place. The new edition will emphasise the sense of culture as lived and actively worked on by people. It has been extensively revised and expanded to take into account developments in this vibrant sub-discipline. New chapters on the Cultures of Nature, Globalised Cities and Regulation and Place reflect contemporary concerns. Existing material on Commodities and Consumption and Nations and Homelands has been strengthened. The influence of power has also been made more explicit throughout, as has the role of feminist theory. Cultural Geography presents a concise, up-to-date, interdisciplinary introduction to this lively and complex field. Exploring the diversity and plurality of life in all its variegated richness, drawing on historical and contemporary examples from around the world, Crang highlights changes in current societies and the dilemmas of a 'pick and mix' relationship to culture.
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